Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Books Read 2012

A lot of folks have posted top 10 lists of the books they've read this year. I may do that in the next few days, but until then I decided to simply post a list of all of the books I read this year. Take a gander, did you read any of the same books? What books did you read this year that I should check out in 2013?

Generally every month I set the goal to read at least 4 books that month...Sometimes I'm able to read more, sometimes life gets too busy and I can't. Do you have any similar goals when it comes to your reading? When do you do your best reading?
Books Read 2012
1) By Grace Alone - Sinclair Ferguson
2) Gospel Wakefulness - Jared C. Wilson
3) On Christian Liberty - Martin Luther
4) Not A Fan - Kyle Idleman
5) So Beautiful - Leonard Sweet
6) Wordsmithy - Douglas Wilson
7) Veneer - Timothy WIllard/Jason Locy
8) Radical - David Platt
1) The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
2) Radical Together - David Platt
3) Reflections On The Psalms - C.S. Lewis
4) Innocent Blood - John Ensor
1) Friends And Lovers - Joel R. Beeke
2) Jesus Wants To Save Christians - Rob Bell and Don Golden
3) The Story of God, The Story of Us - Sean Gladding
4) Note To Self - Joe Thorn
1) Drops Like Stars - Rob Bell
2) Pursuing God - Jim Eliff
3) Gospel - J.D. Greear
4) Reliving The Passion - Walter Wangerine
5) Who Am I? - Jerry Bridges
6) The Stranger - Albert Camus
1) Lit - Tony Reinke
2) The Plague - Albert Camus
3) The Road - Cormac McCarthy
4) Explicit Gospel - Matt Chandler
1) Summer Wakes The Bear Who Sleeps - Aaron Youngren
2) Let Christ Be Magnified - J.H. Merle d'Aubigne

1) On the Incarnation - Athanasius
2) On Writing - Ernest Hemingway
1) Pastor - Eugene Peterson
2) Story - Steven James
3) Preach - Mark Dever, Greg Gilbert
4) Knowing Scripture - RC Sproul
1)Welcome To The Story - Stephen J. Nichols
2)Andrew Fuller - John Piper
3)Godspeed - Britt Merrick
4)Sacrilege - Hugh Halter
Many started, none finished
1)Wrecked - Jeff Goins
2)You Are A Writer - Jeff Goins
3)The God Of The Mundane - Matthew Redmond
4)The Writing Life - Annie Dillard
5)You Can't Go Home Again - Max Andrew Dubinski
6)The Fullness of Christ - John Preston
7)Harry Potter:The Chamber of Secrets – J.K. Rowling
8)Dimensions Of Prayer – Douglas V. Steere
9)Reverting To Type – Alan Jacobs
10)Notes From The Underground - Fyodor Dostoyevski
11)Five Smooth Stones - Eugene Peterson
12)Gilead – Marilynne Robinson
1)The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Silver Chair – C.S. Lewis
2)The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle – C.S. Lewis
3)The Five Dilemmas of Calvinism – Craig R. Brown
4)Touching Wonder: Recapturing The Awe of Christmas РJohn Blas̩
5)Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christmas Sermons – Edwin Robertson
6)Grace – Max Lucado